With cosmetic braces, your new smile could be just a few short months away

Cosmetic braces are becoming an increasingly popular treatment option for adults who want to straighten their teeth. At Burwell Dental Surgery in Cambridge we have used the popular Six Month Smiles cosmetic brace system to help men and women young and old to improve the alignment of their teeth. Read on to discover how we could help you. . .

six-month-smilesThe increasing demand for adult braces

Braces are run-of-the-mill for children and teenagers these days, but what is available for adults who want straighter teeth? Whether they missed out on treatment as a youngster or they had treatment only to experience adult relapse, as more and more adults realise the life benefits of an attractive, properly aligned smile, so the demand for adult orthodontic treatment has grown.

At our Cambridge dental surgery, we have found that the majority of adults interested in teeth straightening are primarily concerned about the alignment of their front teeth – those in the smile line, in other words. That’s what Six Month Smiles cosmetic braces focus on; they are designed to rapidly correct mild to moderate issues with the front teeth – those that show when you smile.

Six Month Smiles braces in Cambridge

When you come into our Cambridge dental practice for a Six Month Smiles consultation, you will be seen by dentist Mabel Saw, who is an accredited Six Month Smiles provider. She will perform a detailed clinical examination to ascertain if these braces are the most appropriate treatment for you.

Unlike traditional braces, there won’t be a flash of metal every time you open your mouth with Six Month Smiles. The brackets are made from clear ceramic and the wires from tooth-coloured nickel-titanium, which means they blend in nicely with the natural shade of your teeth.

Because their focus is on the front six teeth, the average treatment time with these braces is just half a year – some milder cases at our Cambridge clinic are complete in just three months. Your projected treatment time will be determined by your dentist at your initial consultation.

These appliances use low forces, so are considered to be more comfortable than conventional orthodontics.