Braces no longer need to mean a metallic smile

Braces remain an excellent way for a dentist or orthodontist to straighten your teeth. However, at Cambridge dental practice Burwell, we understand that many adult patients are faced with a dilemma when it comes to teeth straightening treatment. They desperately wish for straighter teeth, but have absolutely no desire to wear obvious metal appliances.

cosmetic-bracesFortunately, at our Cambridge dental practice, there is a more discreet option available. What if we told you that you can have the straight teeth you’ve so long dreamt of, without the need to wear obvious metal braces? If that sounds too good to be true then read on to discover how for an increasing number of patients this dream is becoming a reality – then discover how you can join them.

Cosmetic braces

Cosmetic braces are a popular choice with adults who want straighter teeth. It goes without saying that straightening your teeth is also beneficial to your dental health, because straighter teeth are that much easier to keep clean. It may surprise you to learn that this can be good for your general health, too.

At our Cambridge practice, we use Six Month Smiles cosmetic braces to discreetly and swiftly straighten your teeth. These appliances are based on traditional brace systems, but have been thoroughly made over and modernised to work both quickly and discreetly.

Six Month Smiles comprise tooth-coloured nickel-titanium wires and clear brackets. This means that they are hardly obvious in everyday life, and many people won’t even notice you are having treatment.

As the name suggests, these braces have an average treatment time of six months. In some cases it takes just half that time to straighten your teeth. They work so quickly because they focus on the front six to eight teeth – those that show when you smile.